Thursday, December 31, 2009

Small Child Needed!

Wanted: small child willing to ride around in this great "ride!"
We got this for Christmas but unfortunately we have to wait another 6 months for a baby to put in it. I have considered going for walks with an empty stroller but I have been assured people will think I am crazy! What's a girl to do?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Baby Daddy

I want to direct you to the a post on this baby's daddy's blog. It is very sweet. It made me cry, but considering pregnancy hormones and such that may not be saying much.

Check it out over at the daily fiesta

Monday, December 14, 2009

New Baby Pics

Here are our newest baby pictures. This is a 12 weeks inside picture!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

High Maintenance

So, apparently either the baby or I are high maintenance. I'm not sure which it is but the pair of us seem to be high maintenance (just ask Lee). We had an appointment at 10 weeks where the doctor tried to hear the heartbeat but she couldn't find a heartbeat. She didn't seem worried but she wanted us to come back in 2 weeks (instead of 4) so they could check for the heartbeat again. Well, today we had our second appointment to try to hear the heartbeat. The nurse tried to find the heartbeat-no luck. The doctor came in and tried to find the heartbeat-again no luck! Apparently my uterus is very tilted toward the back which causes problems with heartbeats but they sent us for an ultrasound. I was a little worried!

We went in for the ultrasound and at first I had no idea what we were looking at but the ultrasound tech said she saw the heartbeat so I took her word for it and felt a little relieved. Then the picture of the baby started taking shape and I could see what we were looking at. The baby had it's hand on it's brow and it's legs kicked up. As we watched the baby started waving it's hand around and kicking it's legs. Then it started doing the kind of ab workout where you lift your legs and butt up in the air. I think this baby will be in good shape.

Lately I have been feeling like maybe I was just imagining this whole pregnancy thing. Our first ultrasound helped some but I was still skeptical...seeing the baby moving this time (and looking more like a baby than a snowman) made this pregnancy seem a whole lot more real. I am starting to believe that in about 6 months I am going to be bringing a baby home to my house!!! Wow what a thought!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving in NC

This year we thought it might be fun to host Thanksgiving at our house. We have been known in year's past to make the Eastern seaboard tour in the four days we have off from work. This year we invited both our families to make the trip to our house for some yummy food and entertainment. Lee grilled the turkey which gave us more room in the oven for the other food. My mom and Lee's mom brought yummy desserts and bread. Amazingly everything got done at the same time and tasted good. We also didn't have too many leftovers to have to deal with later. Just enough for a couple meals while we were too tired to cook!